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All facts, no filler: why using your in-house experts really matters

In-house experts are an invaluable resource for any organisation. They possess knowledge and experience that can be leveraged to improve training programmes and ensure that employees are properly equipped to perform their jobs. Co-creating training with in-house experts not only improves the quality of training, but it also increases employee engagement and fosters a culture of continuous learning. 

Identifying Your In-House Experts

Before you can begin co-creating training with your in-house experts, you need to identify who they are. In-house experts are individuals who have specialised knowledge, skills, and experience in a particular area. They may be subject matter experts, trainers, or experienced employees who have worked in a particular role for a long time. To identify your in-house experts, you can:

  • Look for individuals who have been recognised for their expertise, such as those who have won awards or been promoted for their knowledge and skills.
  • Ask managers and team leaders to identify employees who have specialised knowledge and skills that could be useful in developing training.
  • Look for individuals who have been consistently successful in their roles and have a good understanding of what it takes to perform well.

Co-Creating Training with In-House Experts

Once you have identified your in-house experts, it’s time to involve them in co-creating training. Co-creating training involves collaborating with subject matter experts to design and develop training materials that are tailored to the needs of your organisation. This approach has several benefits, including:

How do we work with your Subject Matter Experts?

We bring the training expertise and collaborate with your most experienced people to ensure that training is structured in an accessible and creative way – there nothing worse than Death by Powerpoint after all!

Our process will ensure that your staff training works for your people – from identifying the training needs to designing and developing the content. We are with you every step of the way.

Co-creating training with in-house experts is an effective way to improve the quality and relevance of training while also increasing employee engagement and ownership. By identifying your in-house experts, involving them in the training development process, and incorporating their insights and feedback, you can create training that is tailored to the needs of your organisation and that will have a lasting impact on your employees’ performance.

Get in touch now to talk about how we can help you save time and money developing training that really delivers